Genealogy Research
Summer fun with the Kerekes family fishing
from a houseboat on the Grand River.
The Kerekes lived just east of downtown Lowell.
from a houseboat on the Grand River.
The Kerekes lived just east of downtown Lowell.
Subscription SitesAncestry -To find information on Lowell families visit the knapp family tree. Research complied by Lowell Area Historical Museum volunteer Dorann Truax New England Historical and Genealogical Society Genealogy Bank Big city and small town newspapers from more than all 50 states. Newspapers Big city and small town newspapers |
Free Sites
Find a Grave Seeking Michigan https.// Michigan Gen Web – all of the states have a genweb organization. Use the post office 2 letter abbreviation for the state you want and then add “genweb”. migenweb Family Search https.// Kent District Library https://archives.KDL.archives Lowell Ledger articles and obituaries Internet Archive – If you are looking for historical information on places and some of the people who lived there try a history search such as “The history of Kent County, Michigan”. Look for books about the area that have “archives” in the address. You can search the book with names or locations and every reference to those will show up. You can go to each spot in the book to see if it information you are looking for. |
DNA TestingAncestry 23andMe Both of these DNA results are yours and can be downloaded to Gedmatch, which will give you more people to compare with. |
admissionMembers, Free
Adults, $3.00 Children, $1.50 Children under 5, Free Families, $10.00 max. |
HoursMuseum Hours:
Tuesday 1-4pm Thursday 1-4pm Saturday 1-4 pm |